Commercial Speed Bump Installation

Expertly Installed Speed Bumps

If you need a built-in way to control speed and increase safety on your commercial property, get professional speed bump installation from Asphalt Doctors, the Denver area’s most experienced and trusted name in paving. We can help assess your situation and recommend various styles of speed bumps depending on your needs and property type.

Quick Repair


Safety Improvement

Extended Lifespan

Full List of Services

What’s the Difference Between Speed Bumps and Speed Humps?

The choice depends on how much you’re looking to slow down traffic. Bumps are generally smaller and designed to keep traffic slower than a hump, which are wider and can be safely traversed at slightly higher speeds. Speed bumps typically keep traffic between 2–10 MPH, which is ideal for a high-pedestrian zone like parking areas. Speed humps, on the other hand, are slightly larger and longer than speed bumps and are used to slow down traffic to 10–15 MPH in places like residential neighborhoods. 

What Are the Benefits of Speed Bumps?

The primary purpose of speed bump installation is for safety. Speed bumps protect pedestrians who may be walking through a parking area and also reduce any potential fender benders from cars zipping around a corner. By limiting the speed of vehicles, speed bumps also provide a noticeable reduction in vehicle noise.

How Large Is a Speed Bump?

The size of your speed bump will depend on what best fits your space. Speed bumps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, though most fall within some standard parameters. Speed bumps are typically between 2–4 inches tall and 12–14 feet wide with a ramp length of 2–5 feet, depending on the desired speed of drivers and area needed to span for safety.

Our Speed Bump Installation Process 


The material will be a fresh, dense graded hot asphalt plant mix that meets or exceeds Colorado State Highway Specifications. Manufacturer certification available upon request.

Surface Preparation

The area will be swept and blown clean for proper adhesion. After the area is clean and dry, a tack coat of emulsified asphalt will be applied and cured prior to installation of asphalt.

Clean Up

Any debris resulting from this process will be removed. The only thing we’ll leave you with is a great-looking, smooth speed bump. 

Why Choose Asphalt Doctors As Your Speed Bump Contractors?

Our team at Asphalt Doctors understands how important the (seemingly) little things are. We’ll quickly and effectively seal your pavement cracks so you can rest easy — and focus on the big picture. 
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