Asphalt Paving

New Asphalt Installation

The job of a road and/or parking lot is to carry the loads under all weather conditions for a specified design life. This is achieved by:
  • Stabilizing (i.e., strengthening) the existing subgrade and providing stable base and subbase layers above the subgrade.
  • Providing adequate water drainage, because water can weaken soils and asphalt pavements.
  • Pavement thick enough to structurally carry all expected traffic loads for a period of time.
  • Pavement that is properly compacted to develop its full strength and prevent water penetration into the pavement and its base.
  • Pavement surfaced with a wearing course that resists wear, deformation, weather, and remains skid resistant.
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Product and Work Description:

The following method applies to installation of new asphalt drives, streets and parking lots.


Material shall be a fresh, dense graded hot asphalt plant mix that meets or exceeds Colorado State Highway Specifications. Manufacturer certification is available upon request.

Sub-Base Preparation

After evaluation of your property by one of our asphalt specialists. We will then recommend if any import or export and grading of existing soils are needed. Compaction methods to suit your particular job will meet or exceed industry standards.


Placement of new asphalt shall be by a self propelled paver, except in small areas that a paver cannot access.


After evaluation of your property by one of our asphalt specialists. We will then choose the proper size of equipment, amount of lifts and compaction methods to suit your particular job that will meet or exceed industry standards.

Clean Up

Any debris resulting from the process will be removed upon completion.